Budget Committee
Contact the Budget Committee Chair
FY 2025 Fairfax County and School Budgets
County Executive Bryan Hill presented his budget on Tuesday, 20 February 2024. Here are links to his message, the budget page, the presentation slide deck, and the corresponding FY 2025 Advertised Budget Plan. There are many supplemental documents on the website you may wish to review, including the FY 2025 Budget Forecast Presented to Board of Supervisors and School Board.
The County Public School System has prepared a proposed budget to be presented to the County Board of Supervisors. Here are links to the budget page, the presentation slide deck, and Proposed Budget Highlights. There are many supplemental documents on the website you may wish to review.
Here are some supporting items:
- The County Executive In addition is planning to add 42 new positions. See this summary sheet
- Each supervisor will be holding town hall meetings throughout the county https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/budget/fy-2024-budget-town-hall-meetings
- The Budget committee chairs asked the school systems several questions. Here are the inquiries and responses:
- Q. How much per percentage point would a meals tax bring into the county in terms of revenue? Fully understand this is an estimate as we have never had a meals tax in the past.
A. We'd estimate roughly $30 million in revenue would be generated from a 1% meals tax.
- Q. Is 23-cents on the dollar the accurate amount for the return on a dollar of tax revenue to Fairfax County on each dollar sent to the state? What does each additional penny increase mean in real dollars?
A. Using the latest available FY22 Virginia annual tax report, the combined County and Schools budgets received approximately 21 cents back from the state for every dollar in state tax revenue that was generated in the county.
- The highlights of the County Executive"s Proposed Budget that indicates that it fully funds the first year of the public safety collective bargaining agreements between Fairfax County, Virginia and Fairfax Chapter of the Southern States Police Benevolent Association
- From the Washington Post, Fairfax County Executive Bryan Hill proposed a new budget that would raise the tax rate for homeowners by 4 cents, a move driven in part by a desire for more school and transportation spending. A lagging office market and demands for more school and transportation funding mean leaning more on residential property taxes for county revenue, Hill said.
- BOS Chair Jeff McKay reports these highlights of the County Executive's Proposed Budget:
- Revenue projections based on Real Estate Tax Rate of $1.135 per $100 assessed value, an increase of $0.04
- Includes additional revenue based on a review of user fees and taxes
- Funds an increase of $165 million, or 6.8%, in the School Operating Transfer
- Funds compensation for County employees, including performances/merit/longevity increases, a 2.00% market rate adjustment, and benchmark adjustments
- Fully funds the first year of the Public Safety collective bargaining agreements
- Provides for other limited, targeted investments including 42 new positions to address various needs across the County including the impacts of inflation and support for Board priorities including affordable housing and environmental initiatives
- Includes reductions of $36 million and 84 positions primarily recognizing saving efficiencies identified by agencies
- Leaves and balances of $3.83 million for the Board's consideration
At the virtual Federation Members Meeting on Thursday, 22 February, we were joined by Matthew Norton, Fairfax County Public Schools Budget Assistant Director, and Joe LaHait, Deputy Director, and Phil Hagen, Director, Fairfax County Department of Management and Budget. They explained and answered questions related to their respective budgets.
To establish the Federation's position on the county's budget, the Budget Committee coordinated and reviewed each committees' submissions to the Committee, which were due midnight, March 8th. The committee then meet on the tenth to draft a Budget Resolution for the Board meeting on 21 March. This was open to all Federation Board Members. The board reviewed the committee's draft resolution. A modified version was approved and will be presented for membership consideration at our 28 March Membership meeting.
At the 28 March Federation Membership meeting the Board-approved Budget resolution will be presented to the membership for Approval.
Budget Committee Archives
Budget Committee Archives FY 2024
FY 2024 Fairfax County and School Budgets
County Executive Bryan Hill presented his budget on Tuesday, 21 February 2023. Here are links to his message, the budget page, the presentation slide deck, and the corresponding FY 2024 Advertised Budget Plan. There are many supplemental documents on the website you may wish to review.
The video of the Board of Supervisors 21 February meeting will be available the week of the meeting. If you do not wish to watch Mr. Hill's entire presentation, you may want to skip to the end and watch the Supervisors' comments as they may be insightful.
On February 28th there will be a Board of Supervisors Budget Policy Committee Joint Meeting with the School Board to discuss the FY 2024 budget and tax rate.
Here are some supporting documents:
At the virtual Federation Members Meeting on Thursday, February 23rd, we will be joined virtually by Matthew Norton, Assistant Director of Budget for Fairfax County Public Schools and Phil Hagen, Director, Fairfax County Department of Management and Budget. They will explain and answer questions related to their respective budgets. If you have any questions you can ask at the meeting.
To establish the Federation's position on the county's budget, the Budget Committee will coordinate and review each committees' submissions to the Budget Committee, which are due Friday, March 10th COB (Close of Business). The committee will then meet the following day to draft a Budget Resolution for our next Board meeting on March 16th. This is open to all Federation Board Members. The Board-approved draft was reformatted for for the membership at the 23 March 2023 members meeting. When the draft is approved by the membership, our President or a alternate will present it at the Board of Supervisors' Budget Hearing in April. Only one person can speak for the Federation, but anyone can speak on their own behalf as a citizen.
Budget Committee Archives FY 2023
FY 2023 Fairfax County and School Budgets
On 24 February the Federation heard presentations on the School and County FY2023 budgets
- Alice Wigington, Budget Director, FCPS
- Phil Hagen, Deputy Director, Fairfax County Office of Budget
After the presentation, Budget co-chair David Edelman sent Phil Hagen several questions based his presentation. His reponses are italicized below:
- Page 3 – It references an increase of 109 positions. Is there a breakdown of these new positions in one place?
A table is included in the Advertised Budget Summary, beginning on page 37, that provides a breakdown of the new positions as well as each funding adjustment with an impact to the General Fund.
- Page 9 – Residential equalization is 9.57% and Page 3 an increase in average tax bill of $666. How much would the mill rate have to be decreased to reduce the increase to zero? [To be clear I am not proposing this; but I imagine it is a question that will be raised by some of our membership and others in the community.] Do I have the number right that a decrease in 1-cent equals an average decrease on a homeowner's tax bill of $53 dollars?
The mean assessed value of residential property has increased from $610,545 in FY 2022 to $668,974 in FY 2023. At the current tax rate of $1.14, the average tax bill will increase $666 to $7,626. Each 1-cent decrease in the tax rate would result in a decrease of $66.90 on the average tax bill, and a decrease of approximately 10 cents would be required to hold the average tax bill flat.
- Page 13 – Personal Property Tax has increased with increasing car/vehicle levy. Where is the assessed value of each vehicle calculated from?
Vehicle assessments are based on the January edition of the J.D. Power Associates Valuation Services Used Car Guide. More information can be found at https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/taxes/vehicles/vehicle-values
- Page 24 – Metro Subsidy Requirement – Does the $9.10 million dollars represent the full ask of WMATA? I believe that with their own budget problems they have asked Fairfax County to increase our contribution?
That increase fully funds the ask in the General Manager's proposed budget.
- Page 29 – There are 7 proposed new positions for the "PLUS System". I am not familiar with the PLUS system. Could you point me to a place that explains its purpose?
PLUS is the Planning Land Use System, which is being developed to replace and integrate several legacy systems used in the land development process. The proposed positions will provide maintenance and customer support for the system. There was a NewsCenter article posted recently regarding updates that expanded the functionality of the system. That article includes a high-level overview of the system and a link to the system, so it might be a good place to start: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/news/plus-customer-service-platform-expands-land-use-offerings
- Page 32 – We are creating a new Special Revenue Fund for Land Development Services. Can you provide more information on the rationale for this new fund and what it is supposed to accomplish? [Personally, this is the first I am hearing about it.]
This change is intended to provide more transparency in how land development fees are used. The goal would be for Land Development Services to be self-sustaining – its fees generating sufficient revenues to support the services it provides. If excess revenues are generated due to increased development activity, they will be available in the fund to allow the agency to respond to the increased demand for its permitting, plan review and inspection services.
Federation Committees evaluation of the FY 2023 Fairfax County and School Budgets
During February and March each Federation committee evaluated their portion of the FY2023 budgets. Some committees had no inputs to the proposed resolution, but after several revisions, the Federation approved the committee's proposed resolution (Version 8) and presents a revised version (9) for the membership's consideration our March meeting.
At its March Federation membership meeting it approved the board-approved resolution on the FY 2023 Fairfax County and School Budgets
The approved resolution was forwarded to Members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, County Executive Brian Hill, Distinguished Members of the Fairfax County School Board and School Superintendent Scott Brabrand via a letter dated 10 April 2022.
Budget Committee Archives FY 2022
FY 2022 Fairfax County and School Budgets
The Federation forwarded a resolution conveying the Federation's Analysis of the Fairfax County Advertised FY 21 Budget
On 25 March 2021 Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations forwarded to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and Fairfax County School Board members its analysis of the Fairfax County Fiscal Year 2022 Advertised Budget.
- In accordance with the prevailing pandemic restrictions on meetings, the Federation Board and Membership met virtually on 26 March 2020 to collaborate our comments on the Advertised Budget.
- Since our bylaws have no provision for a virtual or electronic vote, we respectfully submitted the attached resolutions under letter format for their consideration and action in this budget year FY2021 and in future budget years.
- Queries on any item may be directed to the Federation Co-chairs identified in the attachment.
- Draft FY 22 Budget Resolution for approval by our Members
- In early March 2021 all committee chairs were asked to review respective sections of the proposed Fairfax County FY 2022 budget and to provide written assessment or opinion back to Budget Committee Chairs.
- At its 18 March meeting the Federation Board considered the budget committe's draft resolution.
- The board provided the budget committee updates to the draft resolution for incorporation in to a board-approved draft to be considered by the Federation membership at its 25 March meeting.
- FY2022 Advertised Budget Presentations
- The County Executive and the Public Schools teams have produced their proposed operating budgets for the upcoming year. These are released in February, undergo public presentations and comment, are up-dated, and then presented to the Board of Supervisors in April for approval. As they're being released this week, February's membership meeting presentation gives Federation members the earliest opportunity to understand and comment on the respective budgets for 2022.
- Presenters:
- Leigh Burden, Assistant Superintendent, Department of Financial Services, Fairfax County Public Schools
- Christina Jackson, Director of the Department of Management and Budget, Fairfax County
- County Budget:
Budget Committee Archives FY 2021
FY 2021 Fairfax County and School Budgets
Updated FY 21 Budget letter sent to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and School Board
On 23 April the Federation board met to consider the Budget committee's draft Updated FY 21 Budget letter which was approved with modifications. In general, the letter indicated that:
- Much has changed between County Executive Bryan Hill's proposed 2021 County budget of February 25, 2020, and his updated proposed budget of April 7, 2020.
- Consequently, the Federation has updated its initial March 28, 2020, assessment of the proposed budget with this expanded letter.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic impact on our economy, we agree with the necessity of drastically reducing revenue projections for income and spending.
We recommend the two Boards continue to review their respective budgets each quarter. As the impact of Coronavirus decreases, we encourage the Boards to appropriately increase funding for LOBs that received pandemic-forced budget cuts.
- The Boards should frequently reconsider the priorities of the following:
- The health of Fairfax citizens and employees and the prevention of deaths from COVID19.
- Continuity of operations for County government and FCPS.
- Softening the economic impact on the most vulnerable populations of the county.
Based on the board approval the following letter on the updated FY21 Fairfax County Budget was sent to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and School Board
On 8 April the Budget committee solicited committee chairs to review the drastic changes (cuts) as presented to BOS yesterday by Bryan Hill due to the virus pandemic affecting the County's revenue streams. The committee's need to evaluate whether this will you change its inputs for the Federation's letter address the FY2021 County Budget.
Based on the committee inputs the following draft letter on the updated FY21 Fairfax County Budget was formulated
On 7 April 2020, the County Executive released his amended proposal for the FY2021 budget. When the Board started the budget, it wasn't in the middle of the pandemic that has now heavily impacted daily lives. The economic challenges being facing pale in comparison to the health risks and loss of life some of our community is facing. Everyone in the region will be making hard decisions in the weeks and months ahead, Few places in this country have the resources, dedicated public employees, resolve and resiliency that Fairfax County has, and for that they are blessed.
Below, you can see a breakdown of the proposal. Chairman McKay also wants to note here that residents will be able to comment on the budget during public hearings that have been deferred to April 28-30. They have made this decision in order to protect the health of staff and the public. They are also recommending that testify be made remotely via submitted videos, written testimony, or phone calls. Learn more here.
Amended Proposed FY2021 Budget, view the budget proposal:
- The County Executive no longer recommends an increase in the Real Estate Rate, keeping it at $1.15 per $100 of assessed value.
- It also no longer includes a 4% Admissions Tax on items such as movie, theater, and concert tickets.
- Funding to schools
- Fairfax County Public Schools still represent a priority for the Board.
- It maintains equal growth for the County and Schools, but with drastic growth reductions from 3.65% to 0.32% over the FY 2020 Adopted Budget Plan.
- FCPS will still receive an increase in the transfer, but it will be reduced from $85.52 million to $7.31 million for the Operating Fund.
- There is little funding to expand services, but existing programs will be preserved.
- All of the proposed new positions have been eliminated except positions related to public health both in our community and schools, and one in the Office of Elections.
- It eliminates increases in employee compensation, but preserves current salaries and positions.
- $9.84 million dollars will be set aside to assist with efforts to combat the health and economic impacts of COVID-19.
- Some other areas that will receive an increase in funding:
- $0.58 million to the Community Funding Pool, which provides funding to community organizations to meet human services needs.
- $1.77 million to support the workload for the County's Police Body-Worn Camera program.
- $0.58 million to support the information technology requirements of the Office of Elections and needs for the 2020 Presidential election.
- Fairfax County priorities remain the same, we just have to think differently on how to move forward. For example:
The Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan is continuing with the public engagement process and creating goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strategies community members can take to mitigate climate change at the local level.
- The County still has a pipeline of over 1,300 affordable housing units. The Housing Department is looking for creative ways to stretch the resources available with efficient investments and changes to land use policy.
- Again, they encourage residents to testify on this budget remotely via submitted videos, written testimony, or phone calls. The public hearings will take place from April 28-30.
Letter conveying the Federation's Analysis of the Fairfax County Advertised FY 21 Budget
On 28 March 2020 Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations forwarded to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and Fairfax County School Board members its analysis of the Fairfax County Fiscal Year 2021 Advertised Budget.
- In accordance with the prevailing pandemic restrictions on meetings, the Federation Board and Membership met virtually on 26 March 2020 to collaborate our comments on the Advertised Budget.
- Since our bylaws have no provision for a virtual or electronic vote, we respectfully submitted the attached resolutions under letter format for their consideration and action in this budget year FY2021 and in future budget years.
- Queries on any item may be directed to the Federation Co-chairs identified in the attachment.
- On 5 March all committee chairs were asked to review respective sections of the proposed Fairfax County FY 2021 budget and to provide some written assessment or opinion back to Budget Committee Chairs.
- Proposed inputs were submitted separately by:
- At the 19 March Federation Board meeting a draft resolution was considered by the board.
- The board provided the budget committee updates to the draft resolution for incorporation in to a board-approved draft to be considered by the Federation membership at its 26 March meeting
February 2020 Budget Presentation to our Members
Presentation on Fairfax County & FCPS 2021 Budget
- Alice Wigington, Budget Director, FCPS
- Christina C. Jackson, Director of the Department of Management and Budget, FC
Fairfax County FY21 Budget Analysis by Federation Budget Co-Chair David Edelman
Federation President Bill Barfield and I attended the budget presentation today. Here is some information.
- The presentation PowerPoint is available here.
- County Executive Bryan Hill presented the FY 2021 Budget proposal and a short summary of the Countywide Strategic Plan to the Board of Supervisors.
- Some key points:
- The proposed FY2021 budget fully funds the county's compensation program, including a 2.06% market rate adjustment for all employees; performance and longevity increases averaging 2% for merit non-uniformed employees; and merit and longevity increases averaging 2.25% for merit uniformed public safety employees.
- The plan includes an $85.52 million operating increase for Fairfax County Public Schools. This is $4.18 million short of the school's request. I think the two numbers are so close, because of the good working relationship between Mr. Hill and Superintendent Brabrand.
- The budget proposes a 4% Admissions Tax that would include items like movie, theater and concert tickets. The tax would become effective October 2020 if approved by the Board.
- A three-cent tax rate increase is also proposed. The new rate would be $1.18 per $100 of assessed value. Two cents would be used to fund priorities in the General Fund and the third cent would be earmarked for affordable housing. Many Supervisors complimented the County Executive for funding affordable housing, but also raised concerns about raising taxes on home owners.
- The Budget Process Timeline provides more details. Some key dates:
- BOS Public hearings April 14-16
- BOS markup on April 28,
- Final vote to adopt the FY 2021 Budget is scheduled for Tuesday, May 5.
You can see the Fairfax County Strategic Plan at this weblink.
Invest in Fairfax
Dear Federation Member:
The Federation participates in the Invest In Fairfax coalition who will announce their response to the to-be released proposed Fairfax County Budget shortly after noon on Tuesday, 25 February.
A full-text press release will follow the announcement and will include the written statement from Federation President Bill Barfield.
Invest in Fairfax
Media Advisory for Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Contact: David Broder, 571-432-0209, David.Broder @ seiuva.org.
Tuesday: Local parents, veterans and county employees respond to County Executive's FY 2021 budget proposal
- Local families, veterans, and county employees will call for a budget which invests in quality public services for the community.
- Grassroots coalition calls on the Board of Supervisors to set a tax rate which will fund the services that local families rely on.
- Coalition appeals to Board of Supervisors to meet with the public and work to pass a budget which reflects our community's values.
Fairfax, VA — Immediately following Fairfax County Executive Bryan Hill's FY 2021 budget proposal to the Board of Supervisors, a grassroots coalition of community members, local families, county employees, teachers and first responders will call on the Board of Supervisors to work with the public to pass a budget which "invests in Fairfax."
Families and businesses move to Fairfax County, and stay here, because of our excellent public services, including our public schools, parks, libraries and more.
Voters went to the polls last November and overwhelmingly voted for candidates who supported deep investments in our community's education system, health care services, affordable housing, transportation infrastructure, environment, and more. Coalition members will be on hand Tuesday to offer initial reactions to how the draft budget lives up to voters' expectations, and to offer a vision for Fairfax County as a truly excellent place to live, work, and play.
- WHO: "Invest in Fairfax" Coalition, including community members, local families, home owners associations, county employees, teachers and public safety.
- WHAT: Press Conference to call on the Board to pass a budget which invests in our community.
- WHEN: Immediately following the county executive's budget press conference, approx. 12 pm.
- WHERE: Fairfax County Government Center, Forum, 12000 Govt Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA
Budget Process Background: The county executive's budget proposal on February 25 is one of many steps in finalizing the county budget. Though the County Executive writes the first draft of the budget, the Board of Supervisors is ultimately responsible for changing and finalizing the county budget. On March 10, the Board of Supervisors will authorize the proposed real estate tax rate for FY 2021. Throughout March, the Board will hold budget committee meetings and town halls. The Board will hold public budget hearings April 14-16. On April 24, the budget committee will hold a pre-mark up meeting, and the Board will "mark up" or make changes to the proposed budget on Aril 28, before adopting the budget on May 5. The School Board will adopt their budget on May 21.The FY 2021 budget begins July 1, 2020.
. . . bill
William S. Barfield
Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations
Budget Committee Archives FY 2020
FY 2020 Fairfax County and School Budgets
Federation members,
Approved FY 2020 Budget Resolutions (28 March 2019)
- The Federation continues to support revenue diversification in order to fund schools and county services. Diversification could not only slow increases in property tax rates (while still supporting strong community investment), but also promises to improve our fiscal position by making the county's financial health less dependent on a single economic sector.
- Federation members recognize that our lifestyle comes at a cost, but continue to insist that the following critical needs are addressed by the budget and the Board of Supervisors in FY2020 and successive years:
- Continued excellence of FCPS, which serve as a magnet for growth and provide the underpinning of the county's economic health;
- the principles of the One Fairfax policy, which we hope are incorporated into ongoing Strategic Planning for the county so that our appropriations continue to properly reflect our values;
- safe and secure communities with a reasonable safety net for residents and families with mental, physical, or substance abuse issues, or are homeless, or are living in poverty;
- adequately maintained and staffed parks, recreational facilities, and libraries;
- responsive, transparent and proactive governance, financial planning and oversight, including maintenance of the county's AAA bond rating;
- healthy environmental quality, and strong waste and pest management programs.
William Barfield
Board-approved draft of the FY2020 Budget Resolution
Every year the Federation reviews and opinionates on the Fairfax County Fiscal Year 2020 Advertised Budget. This big document lays out where Fairfax money comes from and how it is proposed to be spent next year.
For our review, Federation committees do the research and writing and the Budget Committee consolidates it all into a coherent Resolution. Your Board members reviewed and approved the draft of the Resolution at the Federation Board meeting held on Thursday, 21 March 2019.
It is now your turn as Federation members to share it with your community members and to ask for their input, suggestions, and research.
This is your opportunity to contribute to our annual Budget Resolution. The final approved resolution is sent to the Board of Supervisors to inform them of what we community members consider important regarding fiscal issues.
We will discuss and vote on your contributions then vote on final passage of our Resolution on the Fairfax County FY2020 Advertised Budget.
Contribute, and vote at the membership meeting next Thursday, 28 March, 7:30 PM, Fairfax County Government Center, conference room 7.
See you at this open-to-the-public meeting,
. . . bill
William Barfield
From the Budget Committee Chairs for Board consideration:
Budget Committee proposed draft of the FY2020 Budget Resolution
- Attached please find the Federation's Budget Resolution for the County's FY 2020 Budget
- Please review it & be prepared to vote on it at the March Board Meeting
- If you have any questions for the Budget Committees, Please send them to us so we can do research for you if we need to in order to get the correct answers
- We'd like to thank Education, Environment & Public Safety Committees who supplied information for inclusion in this year's resolution
- We hope that next year, more Committees will also send info for the resolution so Membership fully understands the County's Budget & how it affects them
Public Safety Committee Insight:
- As a Courtesy wanted to share some Public Safety Committee Insight on the duplicate Whereas clauses and differences noted in the above Draft Federation FY2020 Budget Resolution
- This is based on two versions of the Public Safety FY2020 Budget provided to the Budget Committee. After the first version was submitted on 14 March the Public Safety Committee had further discussions about it, and submitted a second version on 17 March to the Budget Committee please see the First and Second Versions listed below. Per the attached email the Public Safety Committee provided their Rationale to the Budget Committee for the second version of the Public Safety Committee Budget Resolution. To make this easier to understand, the Public Safety Committee has highlighted the Budget Committee documentPublic Safety Committee has highlighted the Budget Committee document to show the first version of the Public Safety Budget Resolution Whereas Clauses in Blue and the second version of the Public Safety Whereas Clauses of the Public Safety Budget Resolution in Red.
- The Public Safety Committee Supports the Second Version of the Budget Resolution Submitted to the Budget Committee.
- Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Association Public Safety Committee, FY2020 Budget Resolution
First Version submitted 14 March
C. Public Safety
WHEREAS, the FY2020 Advertised Budget includes $7.67M for Public Safety, which funds 35 positions; and
WHEREAS, these funds support Staffing for the South County Police Station; the Diversion First Initiative; the Opioid Task Force; the Gang Prevention Initiative; Funding for Police Relief Sergeants; Increase in E-911 Call Capacity; Replacement of Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Funding; and Animal Services positions
WHEREAS, the FY2020 Advertised Budget includes $2.68M for Employee Compensation Adjustments to the pay scale of uniformed Fire and Rescue employees based on the recent Consultant Study
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED based on all the foregoing that the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations urges the Board of Supervisors to take the following actions in adopting the FY 2020 Fairfax County Budget:
C. Public Safety
(4) the Board of Supervisors should adopt the increased Public Safety staffing and Employee Compensation Adjustments to the pay scale for uniformed Fire and Rescue employee funding projections in the county's FY 2020 Advertised Budget; and
Second Version submitted 17 March
C. Public Safety
WHEREAS, the FY2020 Advertised Budget includes an increase of $8.86M for Public Safety which funds 35 positions; and
WHEREAS, these funds support Staffing for the South County Police Station; the Diversion First Initiative; the Opioid Task Force; the Gang Prevention Initiative; Funding for Police Relief Sergeants; Increase in E-911 Call Capacity; Replacement of Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Funding; and Animal Services positions; and
WHEREAS, the FY2020 Advertised Budget includes an increase of $2.68M for Employee Compensation to the pay scale of uniformed Fire and Rescue emloyees based on the recent Consultant Study; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED based on all the foregoing that the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations urges the Board of Supervisors to take the following actions in adopting the FY 2020 Fairfax County Budget for Public Safety:
C. Public Safety
(4) the Board of Supervisors should adopt Staffing for the South County Police Station; the Diversion First Initiative; the Opioid Task Force; the Gang Prevention Initiative; Funding for Police Relief Sergeants; Increase in E-911 Call Capacity; Replacement of Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Funding; and Animal Services positions; and
(5) the Board of Supervisors should adopt Employee Compensation to the pay scale for uniformed Fire and Rescue employee funding projections in the county's FY 2020 Advertised Budget; and
Budget Committee Archives FY 2019
FY 2019 Fairfax County and School Budgets
Approved FY 2019 Budget Resolutions (5 April 2018)
- As homeowners, our members are acutely aware that almost 75% of the Fairfax County FY2020 Budget is dependent on residential real estate and personal property taxes, primarily borne by homeowners.
- The Federation is also aware that changing demographics in the county-combined with failures by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Federal Government to provide adequate funding of their various mandates and responsibilities-have multiplied costs and shifted the burden of maintaining our quality of life, infrastructure, and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) to the county, and disproportionately to homeowners. This abdication of responsibility needs to be strongly addressed by all stakeholders in the county.
- The Federation continues to support revenue diversification in order to fund schools and county services. Diversification could not only slow increases in property tax rates (while still supporting strong community investment), but also promises to improve our fiscal position by making the county's financial health less dependent on a single economic sector.
- Federation members recognize that our lifestyle comes at a cost, but continue to insist that the following critical needs are addressed by the budget and the Board of Supervisors in FY2020 and successive years:
- Continued excellence of FCPS, which serve as a magnet for growth and provide the underpinning of the county's economic health;
- The principles of the One Fairfax policy, which we hope are incorporated into ongoing Strategic Planning for the county so that our appropriations continue to properly reflect our values;
- Safe and secure communities with a reasonable safety net for residents and families with mental, physical, or substance abuse issues, or are homeless, or are living in poverty;
- Adequately maintained and staffed parks, recreational facilities, and libraries;
- Responsive, transparent and proactive governance, financial planning and oversight, including maintenance of the county's AAA bond rating;
- Healthy environmental quality, and strong waste and pest management programs
- Our Budget Committee consolidated the input of other Federation committees to produce a Federation budget resolution. This resolution was approved by the Federation's board on 15 March 2018 to be presented for membership consideration.
- On 5 April 2018, the representatives of Federation member associations will decide whether to accept or reject the board's proposals. The resolutions approved at this meeting will be passed to the Board of Supervisors in writing and in public testimony April 10-12 as official Fairfax Federation positions.
- This working copy of the Board-approved FY 2019 budget resolution for consideration for by the Federation membership is line-numbered to make discussion of proposed modifications easier to follow.
- In addition the Environment Committee submitted an addendum to be for considered for inclusion into the final resolution.
- Prior to the board's consideration of the various budget resolutions, we invited the county and school staff and administrators to address our membership at our
22 February 2018 Membership Meeting on the Fairfax County and FCPS Budgets
 Bryan Hill, County Executive, Fairfax County
 Joseph Mondoro, Chief Financial Officer, Director, Department of Management and Budget, Fairfax County Government
Representative of the Department of Financial Services, Fairfax County Public Schools
Budget Committee Archives FY 2018
FY 2018 Fairfax County and School Budgets
Approved FY 2018 Budget Resolutions (17 March 2017)
Budget Committee Draft Federation FY 2018 Budget Resolution 13 March 2017
As Co-chairs of the Budget Committee, Ed Saperstein and I are pleased to attach the draft resolution on the County's FY 2018 which will be presented to the Federation Board at the next Board meeting on March 16, 2017 (NOTE: this is the 3rd TH, not the 4th TH as usual). We would like to thank Tim Thompson, Patrick Maldore, Flint Webb and Nancy Trainer who participated as Budget Committee members. Particular thanks to Nancy who acted as editor!
We hope you will be able to review it prior to the Board meeting in order to make the discussion of the draft more focused and effective, resulting in a good product to present to the membership.
As you read it you will note the format is slightly changed.
For example, all "Whereas" paras are together, followed by the combined "Resolved"paras, in keeping with more common practice and avoiding "resolveds" scattered through the document..
Also,in order to keep the resolution simple and more succinct, those committees with separate resolutions have those resolutions attached and incorporated with only the salient points pulled into the main document. This, we believe, will give greater weight to those committee resolutions and permit those seeking more specific or detailed information to find such there. Committees with separate resolutions (Education and Environment) will provide them to you under separate cover.
Regards, Judy Harbeck, Co-Chair, Budget Committee
Attached please find the separate Education Committee resolution, as referred to in the main budget draft resolution.
Sincerely, Nancy Trainer, Co-Chair, Education Committee
Resolution Supporting Meaningful Citizen Participation in the FY2018 Budget Process February 2017
The Board has recommended the membership consider and approve this resolution at its February 2017 meeting.
Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations
Resolution Supporting Meaningful Citizen Participation in the FY2018 Budget Process
Approved by the board 26 January 2017
For membership consideration on 16 February 2017:
WHEREAS Fairfax County's Fiscal Year 2018 Advertised Budget Plan (FY2018 County Advertised Budget) was released by the County Executive on February 14, 2017, and includes expectations, presumptions and recommendations with respect to revenue sources (Revenue), funding levels for county services (County Funding Levels), and the proposed amount of support to be provided to Fairfax County Public Schools (School Transfer); and
WHEREAS on January 12, 2017, the Superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) released a Proposed School Budget for FY2018 which included a request for funding from Fairfax County (Requested FCPS Transfer); and
WHEREAS, on February 28, 2017, without formal public input the Board of Supervisors (BOS) will advertise the maximum residential and commercial real property tax rate (Maximum Rate) which the BOS may legally and actually adopt in April 2017, for application in FY2018 (Actual Rate) to generate the major portion of Revenue; and
WHEREAS it is anticipated that Revenue may not be adequate, based on FY2017 actual tax rates, to support County Funding Levels and/or satisfy the Requested FCPS Transfer, potentially requiring cuts which could denigrate county services and infrastructure and/or dilute the asset value of FCPS as an economic driver of the county economy; and
WHEREAS the Actual Rate, County Funding Levels, School Transfer and related matters in the FY2018 County Advertised Budget will be the subject of public hearings beginning April 4, 2017 (Public Hearings) to elicit citizen input on budgetary priorities and the proper balance of services and taxes; and
WHEREAS meaningful citizen participation in the budget process at the Public Hearings in April and the flexibility of the BOS to respond to demonstrated needs in adopting the County's FY2018 Budget in May should not be unnecessarily chilled and circumscribed by the arbitrary ceiling of the Maximum Rate set in February ; and
WHEREAS meaningful citizen participation in the budget process specifically requires that the Maximum Rate be advertised at a level which would in theory fully fund both the Requested FCPS Transfer and County Funding Levels in order to promote positive discussion on budgetary priorities and the proper balance of taxes and services, and to preserve BOS flexibility to respond; and
WHEREAS the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations (FCFCA) encourages meaningful citizen participation in the budget process but expresses no opinion at this time as to Actual Tax Rate, County Funding Levels or School Transfer appropriate for implementation in FY2018;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the FCFCA in order to promote meaningful citizen participation in the FY2018 Fairfax County Budget process, enhance public discourse on budgetary priorities and the proper balance of public services and tax burden, and provide flexibility to the Fairfax County BOS, requests the BOS to advertise a Maximum Tax Rate which would fully fund both County Funding Levels and the Requested FCPS Transfer for FY2018.
Resolution urging a YES vote on the Nov 2016 meals tax referendum. October 2016
The Board has recommended that the Federation support the meals tax referendum and recommends the membership consider and approve this resolution at its October 2016 meeting.
Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations
Resolution for a YES Vote on the Meals Tax
Approved by the board September 22, 2016
For membership consideration on October 27, 2016
Whereas sound tax structure depends upon diversified sources of revenue;
Whereas the county's present tax structure derives 65% of general fund revenue from real property tax, both residential and commercial (including restaurants);
Whereas counties are constrained by Virginia law in the types and rates of taxes they may impose;
Whereas Virginia Code empowers counties to implement a sales tax on specific prepared food and beverages ("Meals Tax") if such authority is granted by the citizens by referendum;
Whereas the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors have placed authority to implement a Meals Tax of up to 4% on the November 8, 2016 ballot;
Whereas an estimated 28% of Meals Tax revenue would be paid by non-county residents, such as commuters and tourists; and
Whereas meals taxes at various rates have been implemented by many neighboring jurisdictions without adverse effect on their restaurant businesses; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations (FCFCA) urges Fairfax County citizens to vote YES to authorize the Board of Supervisors to implement a Meals Tax of not more than 4%.
Budget Committee Archives FY 2017
FY 2017 Fairfax County and School Budgets
County Documents
Federation Documents
- Federation Budget Resolution
- Background data
Budget Committee Archives Previous Years