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District Councils
Citizen of the Year

Welcome to the Fairfax County (VA) Federation. We are THE Association for the County's Homeowner, Civic, and Community organizations. Join us as we work together on issues that impact all Fairfax County residents.


Be sure to visit our New Website

Ten Reasons to Join the Federation - Membership Application

Congratulations to the newly elected 2024-2025 Federation Officers

President: Tim Thompson resident of Dranesville District
First Vice President: Morgan Jameson resident of Franconia District
Second Vice President: Sue Shuman resident of Providence District
Treasurer: Jeff Parnes resident of Sully District
Recording Secretary: Bill Barfield resident of Braddock District
Corresponding Secretary: Luann Whittenburg resident of Sully District

Follow this link for brief biographical sketches of the candidates

Join Us for Our Annual Federation Picnic

20 June 2024
6:00 PM until last light

Celebrate late summer with us at Mason District Park!

Shelter B, Mason District Park, 6621 Columbia Pike, Annandale 22003
We'll be under Shelter B
Park Map

If you're planning on attending,
please RSVP by Noon, Thursday, 20 June

Our special guest Jeff McKay, Chair, Board of Supervisors, will present the State of Fairfax and swear in our 2024-2025 Federation Officers


Visit the Federation's Picture Gallery


Coming Up

Federation Inclement Weather Policy

Next Federation Membership Meeting

Thursday, 20 June 2024, 6:00 PM

As always, Federation meetings are open to the public — bring an interested neighbor or another officer from your association.

Installation of Officers and Picnic

State of Fairfax

Presented by Fairfax County Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Jeff McKay

Installation of our 2024-2025 Officers:

Board Chair Jeff McKay will then will administer the oath of office to the newly elected Federation officers.

After the installation of our officers concludes then we open the floor for a member's social hour. This is your chance to chat about anecdotes and issues regarding the Federation and Fairfax County.


Members' Agenda (posted week of meeting)

Next Federation Board Meeting


This meeting will be held virtually. Dial-in and Login information is provided in the Agenda

Draft minutes of previous Board meeting

Board Agenda (posted week of meeting)

Opening for Summer Interns to Update the Federation's Websites/Database and/or increase our social media presence

The Fairfax Federation would like to redesign its membership database and website. If you know students with the ability to help us with this effort and who would like to volunteer as an intern over the summer months, please have them contact the Federation Webmaster. Responses by 30 June would be appreciated. You are encourage to forward this request to those who you think are qualified and interested.

The database structure redesign would entail organizing the membership records by organization with attributes assignable to membership organizations, individual representatives of the member organizations, and financial reports of yearly membership activity.

The website structure redesign would entail refreshing our current site with the aim of organizing the data therein contained so that it is more logically presented and easily maintained.

Increasing our social media presence would involve coordinating the Federation presence on Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.

Intern applicants should submit examples of their current efforts.


Search this site!

Cut and paste this string into Google with your search words:


for example: "inurl:www.fcfca.org BRAC"
"inurl:www.fcfca.org Dulles Rail"

The Federation in the Media

Check out references to the Federation in the local media!

  • 20 Jun — Officer Installation, Picnic
  • 25 Jul — No planned summer meeting
  • 22 Aug — No planned summer meeting
  • 26 Sep — TBD
  • TBD Jun — Virtual
  • TBD Jul — Virtual
  • TBD Aug — Virtual
  • 19 Sep — Virtual

Recent Federation Actions

Around the County

  • Flint Webb, Environment Comm. Chair, recognized for his service on the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee, Technical Advisory Committee from 2005-2008
  • Inside Scoop-VA Tyson's Corner Task Force Video former Federation President John Jennison and Fairfax Chamber of Commerce President Bill Lecos
  • January 2007 presentation to the Federation by Dr. Richard Moniuszko, Deputy Superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools, and Deirdre McLaughlin, Assistant Superintendent for Financial Services: (Slides) (Slides with Notes)
  • Environment Quality Advisory Council (EQAC) Reports
  • Fairfax County Citizen Corps - volunteer to help in emergencies
  • Park Authority's Resource Management Plans
Typical Homes
There are different kinds of homeowner and civic associations in Fairfax County.
Emergency Info
In Memoriam

Sally Ormsby Park Dedication

About Us | Membership | Contact Us
External Links: Fairfax County | Schools | Virginia State Government | COG

Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations, P.O. Box 3913, Merrifield, VA 22116-3913
2005 - © FCFCA;

Page contents: president @ FairfaxFederation.org
Page maintenance: webmaster @ FairfaxFederation.org