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2024-2025 Federation Officers

At the 23 May Membership meeting, the membership elected the 2024-2025 officers from a slate advanced by the Nominating Committee .

The newly-elected officers provided these brief introductions:

    Tim Thompson
    President: Tim Thompson
    , Dranseville District

    Tim is currently a Federation Past President and is Cochair of the Budget Committee and, as Cochair of the Legislation Committee, frequently represents Federation issues to Fairfax General Assembly members. He served as the Federation delegate to the Fairfax County Redistricting Committee.

    Morgan Jameson
    First Vice President: Morgan Jameson
    , Franconia District

    Morgan has served the Federation currently as Corresponding Secretary and as the Federation representative to and vice chair of the Fairfax County Airports Advisory Board. He previously served as the Federation 1st Vice President and has represented Federation legislative issues to the Fairfax delegation to the Virginia General Assembly in Richmond.

    Sue Shuman
    Second Vice President: Sue Shuman
    , Providence District

    Sue has served on the Mantua Citizens Association as president, vice president, and parks and environment chair. Sue is the Neighbor Network founder and president. She previously served on the Federation board as co-chair of the Citizen Association Services and as an MCA delegate to the Federation. She was appointed in 2021 to the Fairfax County History Commission and has served as treasurer. Sue served on the county’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Exception Review Committee. Sue worked as a reporter or editor for newspapers including 20 years at the Washington Post, at the former Metro-area Journal daily newspaper chain, in Minnesota and Pennsylvania, and at the American Embassy in Paris.

    Jeff Parnes
    Treasurer: Jeff Parnes
    , Sully District, incumbent

    Jeff has been active in the Federation during two millenniums, including serving in the elected offices of Treasurer (twice), First Vice President, and President. Jeff is the Federation webmaster and chairs the Transportation and Resolutions and previously the Citizen of the Year committees. He has been active in the Providence, Springfield, and Sully District Councils over his forty-four years in Fairfax County. He served the Sully District Council as its vice-president, president, land use and transportation chair and webmaster. Jeff served as the Greenbriar Civic Association Land Use Committee chair and as President, Treasurer and Civic Affairs Committee chair for the Chantilly Highlands Homes Association. He looks forward to continuing to serve the Federation as Treasurer.

    Bill Barfield
    Recording Secretary: Bill Barfield
    , Braddock District

    Bill is a Federation Past President and a Past 2nd Vice President. He is currently Chair of the Nominations Committee, the Citizen of the Year Committee, and Cochair of the Legislation Committee from which he produces the annual Federation Legislative Issues report to the Fairfax delegation to the General Assembly. He has been President of two community associations, Chairman of the Braddock District Council of Community Associations, founding member and Vice Chair of the Braddock District Land Use and Environment Committee, and was 1st Vice President of his current community.

    Luann Whittenburg<
    Corresponding Secretary: Luann Whittenburg
    , Sully District

    As a Federation member since 2019, Luann is ready to serve as Federation Corresponding Secretary. In 2023, she served on the Federation’s Bylaws Committee. Her other community activities include representing the Fairfax Medical Reserve Corp on the Fairfax Citizens Advisory Council, 2022-present. Her ongoing activities in her community association include creating the Neighborhood Watch and supporting the annual Fairfax National Night Out and community emergency/disaster preparedness events. Luann looks forward to the opportunity to contribute as Federation Corresponding Secretary.

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Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations, P.O. Box 3913, Merrifield, VA 22116-3913
2005 — ©FCFCA;

Page contents: PastPresident @ fairfaxfederation.org
Page maintenance: webmaster @ fairfaxfederation.org