The Fairfax County Federation of Citizens' Associations requests the pleasure of your company at the
Sixty-Nineth Annual Awards Banquet
2018 Fairfax County Citizen of the Year
Citation of Merit Honorees
Special Gratitude Award Honoree
Sunday, the Seventh of April, 2019
at the
Tysons Corner Doubletree Hotel
1960 Chain Bridge Road, Tysons Corner, Virginia
Cocktails 5:30 p.m. Program 6:30 p.m. Cost $65, payable in advance, tickets will available at registration desk
Cathy Ledec is a force of nature - by being a force FOR nature, with an intensity and focus that is truly remarkable. She has behind her a lifetime of volunteerism that began when she was 14. Once she retired in 2015, the whirlwind that had been Cathy's volunteer work became a tornado of volunteerism that benefits all of us in Fairfax County and Northern Virginia. The hallmark of her accomplishments has been not just volunteering, but taking on steadily increasing roles in organizing and motivating others. What is typical of Cathy is that she volunteers with a group, then gets more involved, and soon she is organizing, coordinating, leading, and empowering others to get involved. Cathy has received many awards for her extensive volunteer work since the early 2000s, both as an individual and as part of Friends groups in which she led activities and projects. She frequently provides public testimony and comments to influence land use planning cases, seeking improvements to environmental conditions that will benefit us and future residents of Fairfax County. She volunteers with several Fairfax County Park Authority Programs and you might find her "deep in the weeds" pulling English ivy from our trees and working to restore our forests and woodlands. She is actively engaged in numerous citizen science activities with the Fairfax County Park Authority and the National Audubon Society. Cathy is frequently asked to serve on advisory boards and make presentations inspiring and empowering others to make a positive difference. She is also an active leader in her own HOA, Pavilions at Huntington Metro Community Association, leading landscaping efforts and converting to all native plants and trees. Cathy also led the re-landscaping of the Mt. Vernon Government Center and led the installation of two native pollinator meadows, at Mt. Eagle Park and within her HOA. In each case, she spearheaded the application process, researched, wrote and was awarded multiple grants to fund this work, and organized volunteers to install the plantings, resulting in the restoration of key natural landscaping elements. Cathy also led two significant and complex conservation efforts at Huntley Meadows Park, resulting in the protection of rare natural and historic resources for present and future generations to enjoy. The first was through the State Corporation Commission's regulatory process and successfully challenged a 2.6-mile transmission line rebuild project. As a result, the utility agreed to change the project design to avoid damaging a historic viewshed and to reduce the transmission line collision risk for birds. Cathy led a second effort that removed two conceptual paved bike trails from the Fairfax County plans for Huntley Meadows Park, thereby protecting the County's largest conservation area from the adverse impacts of these cut-through transportation corridors. Cathy conducts massive public outreach at community events, enthusiastically inspiring others to come experience the natural world here in Fairfax County. She passionately fulfills the purpose of the nature-oriented certifications and designations she has earned, including Certification as a Fairfax Master Naturalist and Audubon-at-Home Program Ambassador. Cathy was elected in January 2019 as Chair of the Fairfax County Tree Commission. We will all continue to benefit from her hard work to improve our urban forests, on both public and private lands. For her many and diverse volunteer efforts behalf of the Fairfax County Parks and our environment, the Fairfax Federation is honored to recognize Catherine Ledec as Citizen of the Year.
Alberto Figueiredo-Sangiorgio serves as the executive chef and general manager for Wildflour Caterers. Wildflour operates as a bakery and deli shop, and primarily employs individuals with developmental disabilities. Overseeing the chef-in-training program at Wildflour as well as daily operations, Chef Alberto ensures that these individuals receive valuable training and employment in a positive and accepting environment that allows them to build independence, strengthen their skill sets, and have a strong sense of community in their daily lives. The operations of Wildflour Catering serve as an example for the business community across the region to follow. For over 23 years, Chef Alberto has ensured that individuals with developmental disabilities not only have a place to work, but are provided with skills and opportunities to ensure a better quality of life going forward. For his many and diverse volunteer efforts in support of individuals with developmental disabilities, the Fairfax Federation is honored to recognize Alberto Figueiredo-Sangiorgio with a Citation of Merit.
Tania Hossain is a thought leader who applies her grand ideas as practical solutions and who does not shy away from the everyday grinding work that exemplifies the spirit of the volunteer leader in Fairfax County. She has worked as a volunteer leader for over two decades, with various organizations, to enhance the quality of life for everyone. While working on two master's degrees and a full-time job, Tania led the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens' Associations with much passion in her vision to ensure that each Magisterial District had their own district council - a platform for the community to engage and act on issues that are important to them. In her role as President, Tania was instrumental in revitalizing not only the Federation's organizational effectiveness but also in promoting the revitalization of the Providence, Mason, Lee, and Springfield District Councils. Tania served as Chair of the Fairfax Cooperative Extension Leadership Council where she was responsible for advocating and fundraising for programs such as the 4-H Clubs and Master Gardeners. In addition, she served two terms as At-Large Advocacy Chair for the Commonwealth's Cooperative Extension Leadership Council during which time, her leadership was critical in securing funding for Extension Agents located around the State, including two Fairfax County. Tania represented Providence District Supervisor, The Honorable Linda Smyth, on the Fairfax County Commission for Women. During her tenure, she was the Vice-Chair of the Women's Voices Forum that led the first significant survey conducted on issues facing Women and Girls in Fairfax County. The survey was then presented as a report to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors for their review and action. In addition, Tania was the liaison for the Commission to the Commonwealth's Task Force on Human Trafficking. During this time, she worked with other area Commissioners on legislative items that made human trafficking a punishable crime with a hefty fine. While at the Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) of Leadership Fairfax, Inc., Tania worked with her project team for an organization that served adult children with developmental disabilities. She continued to volunteer for a few more years as an ELI alumna on their Program and Community Services Project Committees. During a transitional period for the Fairfax Committee of 100, Tania took up leadership of that group as its President. She ended up working for the next 3 years on rebuilding the organizational capacity, creating online presence, and transition planning for future leaders to flourish and for the Committee to continue to offer a platform for thought leaders to engage in Fairfax County. Tania is a TPB Ambassador and founding member of the Community Leadership Institute's (CLI) Alumni Network whose mission is to foster the connections between the Transportation Planning Board (TPB) and graduates of the CLI. Most recently, Tania has served as President of the Providence District Council. During her this time, she established leadership development for future officers to ensure the continuity of the organization. Tania also led extensive membership outreach and increased online visibility to Providence District residents which has led the PDC being one of the most active and engaged District Councils in Fairfax County. Tania continues to work throughout the county in her various ex-officio capacities. She enjoys a meaningful career in public service and has built two businesses alongside her career. She has lived in Providence District for over two decades. For her many and diverse volunteer efforts in the areas of citizen activism, the Fairfax Federation is honored to recognize Tania Hossain with a Citation of Merit.
John F. Ribble has been a member of the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals [BZA] since 1982, vice chairman for several years, chairman since 2012 [approximately], appointed and reappointed by the circuit court for several 5 year terms. Thirty-seven years on the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals is a record of civic service unlikely to be matched. John has been active in Riverside Gardens Civic Association in Alexandria for many years, and has served as President four times. He remains active Active in the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens Associations [MVCCA], currently serving as one of 3 co-chairs. He served as Co-Chair, Mount Vernon Visionary Task Force, and as a member of Fairfax County Council of the Arts, umbrella arts association, now know as Arts Fairfax. He has served in multiple other positions, such as Past President, Belle Haven Country Club and as a volunteer firefighter for Arlington County He is the President of Old Dominion Title in Alexandria. For his many and diverse efforts land use and community activities in the Mount Vernon area, and countywide with the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals, and on the occasion of his retirement from the Board, the Fairfax Federation is honored to recognize John F. Ribble with a Special Gratitude Award.
The Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations, established in 1940, is the countywide voice for homeowner, civic, and community associations. An all-volunteer organization, The Federation works on issues that impact Fairfax County residents, including education, transportation, the environment, human services, land use, the county budget, and state and federal legislative issues.
PRESS CONTACT: Jeff Parnes, COY Chair, FedCOY2019 @ Fairfaxfederation.org Phone: 703-424-2956
2018 Honorees
2017 Honorees
2016 Honorees
2015 Honorees
2014 Honorees
2013 Honorees
2012 Honorees
2011 Honorees
2010 Honorees
2009 Honorees
2008 Honorees
2007 Honorees
2006 Honorees
2005 Honorees
2004 Honorees
2003 Honorees
2002 Honorees
2001 Honorees
2000 Honorees
Complete List of All Previous Recipients
![]() Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations, P.O. Box 3913, Merrifield, VA 22116-3913, |