Each year, a selection
committee of County-wide organizations meets to review nominations
for the Federation's "Citizen of the Year" and merit awards. The winners
are honored at our annual Banquet, usually scheduled in March. The
event is co-sponsored by The Washington Post.
The Federation 2005 Citizen of the Year:
Marlene Blum

From left to right
Washington Post Representative Ruben Rodriguez
Fairfax County BOS Chair Gerry Connolly
Secretary of the Commonwealth Kate Hanley
Providence District Supervisor Linda Q. Smyth
COY 2005 Recipient Marlene Blum
Delegate Jim Scott
Federation President John Jennison
Thank You Letter from COY 2005 Recipient Marlene Blum
Citation of Merit Award Winners
Bill and Janie Strauss
From left to right
Fairfax County BOS Chair Gerry Connolly
Janie and Bill Strauss
Federation President John Jennison
Special Gratitude Award
C. Lee Fifer

Fairfax County BOS Chair Gerry Connolly
C. Lee Fifer
Delegate Jim Scott
Federation President John Jennison
Guest Speaker
The Honorable Gerald E. Connolly
Chairman, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
Fairfax County BOS Chair Gerry Connolly
2007 -
http://www.FairfaxFederation.org FedWebmaster2015%20@%20fairfaxfederation.org